Add your business to The Wood Shop Directory

You can sign up below or go here to see the pricing options.

Just complete your business details below and then when you click submit you will be taken to the payment page. You can choose how you want to pay and then once we have confirmed everything, we will publish your listing.

Your listing will automatically renew every 3 months or annually (depending on your choice) but you can cancel before renewal if you want – we will send you a reminder.

There is no need to fill in all your details right now – you can just enter your business name, hit submit, arrange payment and then you can add more details later. Or, if you wish we can add the details for you.

You can edit the details of your listing or upgrade your account at any time. Visit your customer dashboard.

Note that this will be the listing title that visitors see

A paragraph or two about your business

Choose here - after you submit this form you will be taken to the payment page where you will have a choice of payment methods.

This should be the email you want customers to contact you on.

This should be the number you want customers to contact you on.

This should be address where your customers will visit as it will display on the listing.

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